Friday, April 29, 2011

Grrl Power!!

For me, the best TV show of all time has to be Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This TV show tells the story of a girl who suddenly becomes the slayer, a girl in charge of protecting the world from all the demons and vampires on it.

Buffy’s story is very sad, as she had to struggle with a responsibility she never wanted in the first place, having to do things she doesn’t really want to do and being considered as a trouble maker even by her mother, who doesn’t know the truth about Buffy’s behaviour, that is, the huge responsibility she has on her shoulders.

However, that’s not all there is about Buffy! The plot thickens when she falls in love with a vampire, the only vampire who has a soul (hence, he doesn’t kill people). His name is Angel (or Angelus when he becomes an evil vampire). Angel is one of the oldest vampires in the world, who was known for being really evil until he made the mistake of killing a gipsy princess. When that happened, the gipsies put a spell on him giving him his soul back, which made him feel really bad for all the evil things he had done in his past. Because of this, Angel spends his never-ending life looking for the slayers and helping them fight the evil in the world. That’s how he meets Buffy, and eventually falls in love with her. Now this bit is really terrible, as they love each other but there’s nothing they can do about their love, first, because she’s supposed to kill him, secondly because he’ll never die and Buffy will, and third because even when they love each other they cannot ‘consummate their love’ as that is the only thing that can take Angelus soul away, which would make him extremely evil again.

I really liked Buffy! Lots of things happened on this TV show, things that could make you think about life, what’s real, responsibilities, and other things. When I was in my teens, my sisters used to watch this TV show and I would laugh about them because I thought it was terrible, but when I started watching it that completely changed. I became addicted to it. For me, Buffy was a real inspiration, especially when I witnessed unfair things happening around me. For example, one day these people were making fun of a Japanese boy on the bus and I defended him feeling all Buffy. Another day this guy started telling me really gross sexual things on the street and I kicked his ass and hit him real hard feeling all Buffy. Buffy rocks! She was a girl and she fought against evil monsters, she killed vampires, demons and trolls. I really wanted to be like her (even if instead of trolls I had to fight horny men on the street, or racist people on the bus). Buffy is the best and I cried my eyes out when she died (SPOILER). I didn’t even want to eat my hamburger that night and I never lose appetite (especially when there are hamburgers for supper). In the end I ate it anyway (but I didn’t enjoy it, OK? Because I was really sad).

Is there a TV Show you really like? I really hope there is one because today you have to write about it. In your entry, you could include the following things:

- What’s the TV show about
- Why you like it
- How it is different from other TV shows you’ve watched
- How it made you feel
- What the characters were like
- Etc.
  • Write at least 200 words
  • Please, leave comments on 3 of your classmates' posts.
  • Include a photo/video/something visual on your entry.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

One Way or Another

Hi all! Today we have 2 topics and you have to write about only 1 of them. So you'll have to decide which one!

I could say lots of things about any of them, but I want to know what you have to say about them, so please, write on!!

But first you have to choose a topic, of course. They are:

Option 1 (Instructions).
Write about a career-related website that you enjoy visiting.

You should:

- provide a link
- describe the website (sections, features,etc)
- say how often you visit the site
- explain why you like the site.

* Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs
* Word Count: 180 - 200

For example, I could write about this website, which is my favourite career-related website. Its name is (it's a great website!! Check it out ;))

Option 2 (Instructions)

Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?


-Who she/he is.(short biography)
-What she/he has done. (examples of their work)
-Why you like her/him.-Include his/her image

* Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs
* About 180 -200 words please

Here I could write about Chomsky, my favourite linguist/intellectual in the world.

And this is probably his best interview ever!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Music is My Radar

Music means a lot to me. If it weren't for music I wouldn't be here writing in English, I wouldn't be the person I am... Who knows where I would be if I hadn't discovered music 16 years ago.

When I first started listening to the music I like now I was 13 years old. Back then I discovered my first favourite band, and they are still one of my faves. I remember I used to listen to them every morning and, as we only had one radio at home, everyone was obliged to listen to them too. That's the reason why my parents and sisters at home know them so well and like them too, even when back then they used to complain because I would take over the radio and wouldn't let anyone else listen to other music at all. They hated me, but I didn't mind.

Anyway, I guess you voted 'music' because it means something to you too, so that's what this week's post is going to be about.

What you have to do is write about Music and how it affects your life.

You could mention:

- What music means to you.
- When you first started listening to the music you like.
- Why you like it/What it makes you feel.
- Your favourite band/musician/singer/album/genre.
- Who first introduced you to your favourite band/singer.
- etc...

In this post you MUST:
- Write 120-150 words.
- Include a photo or video of your favourite band/singer/musician.
- Comment on 3 of your classmates' posts.

Friday, April 8, 2011

What's My Name

Hello dear students and welcome to our first blogging session. Today we'll get acquainted with how this thing (blogger) works, and you'll also have to write a little and comment on your classmates's blog entries :)

Just read on and don't forget to ask me whatever you want (related to blogging) ;)

Session 1 Create blog / Link classmates / Personalize blog / Write intro post min 70 words

A) Follow the instructions and create your blog

1. go to:
2. click: create your blog now
3. if you have a google account: sign in first if you don’t have a google account: create a google account (step 1)
4. (step 2) name your blog
5. (2) choose any template you like
6. start posting (dashboard)

Make sure you select English as your working language and activate the comments option (automatic by default)

B) Link your teacher’s blog and ALL your classmates’ blogs to yours. To do this you need to write your URL on the board.
C) Write a short introductory/welcome post. (70 words) Say who you are and what objectives you hope to achieve with your blog.
D) Leave comments on at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs.
E) Personalize your blog (e.g. add a picture, survey, change colour fonts, etc).