Friday, May 27, 2011

Strike the Pose

I love this photo. I don't think I look very good in it with that kiss face, but I like the way my hair looks xD!! (I'm so deep!).

This photo was taken in 2009 at University. That year I was studying Education here in Juan Gomez Millas, where I met my boyfriend (in the photo, of course). It was taken when he was arriving university from his teacher training.
I was waiting for him on the second floor ('first floor' BrEnglish), he came upstairs and we kissed exaclty when a friend was fooling around with her brand new camera aiming at us. All of us classmates agreed it was a great photo, because it was taken out of the blue and we were kissing and it was oh-so-romantic. But what I really like about it is my hair. That's why I have it framed in my bedroom, not because we're kissing, not because he's the best boyfriend ever and I love him and all that corny stuff, no! Because my hair looks purrrfect! OK? I'm too cool for love! (LIE!!)

Now for the instructions...

Today's task:

You have to show us a photo you like.

You can mention:

- Who took it
- What it shows
- When it was taken
- Why you like it
- Any other information you think is important.

Write at least 280 words.

Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs


Friday, May 20, 2011

No, thank you!

I hate football. When I was little, my dad used to listen to football matches on the radio while he was taking a nap on Sundays. My sister and I couldn't make any noise to avoid waking him up, so Sundays were really boring! I think that's the reason why I absolutely hate football. I can't stand it!
Besides that, I think watching sports is really boring in general. Maybe practising them is not so boring, but I'm lazy so I don't do it anyway...

What about you? What do you think about sports?

This week you'll have to write about Sports (you chose this topic :P). You can mention:

- Whether you like them or not.
- If you practise any sports.
- What is your favourite sport. Or a sport you hate, like in my case.
- Any memories you have about you watching sports or practising them.
- Etc.

- Number of words: 250
- Leave a comment on 3 of your classmates' posts.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Head Music

I love technology.

Seriously! When I was little I liked Barbies and then, when I probably should have started liking clothes, handbags and shoes, something happened and I started liking technology. I think it mostly has to do with the fact that I like music, films and the like, instead of looking pretty... or tidy... (I know it's silly, but I'm just trying to find a reason here, I'm no specialist, OK?)

As I was saying, I love technology. Whenever I buy something new my father tells me to wear it when it's cold (as a way of saying I should have bought clothes instead). And I think he's right (unfortunately), because I haven't got any nice clothes to wear to work (I'm always waiting for my superiors to complain about the things I wear... though I think we should be allowed to wear trainers and our regular clothes to work instead of wearing customes which make us look even older -gosh! I'm 29!!!)...

Well, the last thing I bought was a hi-fi system some months ago. I had to do it, because the latest black-out ruined the one I had bought with my PAE 10 years ago (don't tell the social worker at Filosofía I said this), but my favourite piece of technology has to be my iPod. It's so snob! But I always wanted to have one and now I have it and I can even play solitario on it. I hate solitario, but I love my iPod so I play it anyway because it's in it. And the iPod is so cool! It makes playlists with the songs I like most, which is like the coolest thing ever, because the mp3 player I used to have, said it did the same thing but in the end it played songs I didn't even know why I had put in in the first place...

This week you have to write about your favourite piece of technology. If you don't like technology you could tell us why (because you have to write something whether you want it or not).

You have to mention:
- What it is.
- When you got it.
- How you use it.
- How often you use it.
- Why you like it.
- What life would be like without it.

* 200 words minimum.
* Include a picture.
* Comment on at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Panic on the streets of London...

First, CHECK your EMAIL!!!

You are going to spend a week in London evaluating tourist locations for an end of year study trip.

Here is a list of things you want to do while you are there. Follow the links and fill in the table.

Half Day Outings (3 days)

London Eye

The British Museum

The Tower of London Crown Jewels)

Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum

The Natural History Museum

The Tate Modern Art Gallery

Full day (2 days)

Kew Gardens

Camden Market

For each location say:
  1. What day you will visit.
  2. How much you will have to pay to get in.
  3. Which Tube station you will travel to (nearest to location), and the zone it is in.
What will you do on the other 2 days? (2 full days or 4 half days or 1 full day and 2 half days)
  1. Search the web for other things to do in London.
  2. What is the total cost?