Friday, June 3, 2011

Cemetery Gates

I remember the first book I tried to read when I was little (because I had to, of course, I've always been shallow). It was Papelucho something and I just couldn't finish it. I don't even remember what it was about, I only remember how difficult it was for me to finish it because I couldn't be quiet for too long back then... I didn't finish it, actually.

I also remember when I once tried to read a book on the bus for the first time. It was impossible for me because I couldn't hold it still, so I couldn't read anything at all. I thought reading on the bus would be impossible for me and I would never be able to do it; however, it wasn't, and at some point in my life I mastered the art of 'bus reading' and since then I just couldn't stop.

When I lived in Maipu and went to school in Providencia I used my time on the bus reading the books I had been assigned for school. I remember reading Brave New World by Huxley on the bus and the smell of lavander I once felt when reading it... I think it was Le Sancy soap, not real lavender, but anyway, whenever I feel that smell I remember that book, which is one of my favourite books, by the way.

I also like Orwell's books such as Animal Farm and 1984, they're some of my favourite books also. He's one of my favourite authors.

Of course there are other books I like, although I find it very difficult to read these days (mostly because I'm tired all the time). The first book I really liked because I thought I had found myself in it (when I thought I was so special) is Demian, by Hesse. I love that book, though I haven't read it again ever since. Still, I think that book is responsible for making me the person I am now... or I was, at some point in my teens...

How do you feel about books? I guess you like them because you chose this topic. Now, this time you’ll have to write without my corrections, because this post has a mark on its own!! D: But don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do a great job because you are all intelligent and stuff ;)

In your post you can mention things like:

- Why you like/don't like books
- What your favourite book is
- What the first book you read is
- Who's your fave author
- What type of books you enjoy most
- Etc.
  • You have to write about 280 words
  • Include an IMAGE or VIDEO, please.
  • Leave comments in 3 of your classmates entries
Here's a video of a song by The Cure inspired by The Stranger by Camus, another book I really like:

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